2020 - 2021 VEX IQ Challenge - Rise Above

Just saying, I made a robot with DR6B that can get three stacks. If you guys wanna see it, you can check it out here: 10851B 24 Hour Build Rise Above RI1D - #9 by Noah10851B


my team is going to build this


bruh you throw away field elements

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Iā€™m too old to compete, but I love building my own little robot every year with 2 criteria: Be ambitious, and I can only use 1 super kit + the colored parts (literally all the parts I own), itā€™s surprisingly not a lot.

The robot:

Iā€™m basically out of parts but I got this


Hi @muradmalik,

VEXIQ field elements are made out of VEXIQ parts and other elements on about a 50/50 basis. If you look at last years game, the cubes were made of VEXIQ 1x parts which can be reused and the balls. Thatā€™s one of the cool things, the elements cost about $100 and there parts in it. Compare that with VRC where the elements are about $500 and most of that gets into a dumpster.

This yearā€™s VEXIQ game elements, itā€™s all parts! So no dumpster parts!

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Same here. Iā€™m too old to do VEX IQ, but I still like building robots. Here is the link to a video of what I have so far. VEX IQ Rise Above 97300J New Robot 70 Points - YouTube


Wow! Nice job with that! If you plan on doing anything else with that bot, I would highly suggest using the actual skills field layout:

Skills Layout

Iā€™m trying to do something like that, but with a DR4B for the 3-stacks and and a six-bar for the 2-stacks.


Sorry, I mistyped the name. Itā€™s fixed now. I used the teamwork layout for others to see possible strategy. I am making improvements to it soon.

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Thatā€™s a nice one, it seems a big trick to this season will be 2 lifts.


I am positive of this! I am just so excited!

I think the lift could go up much faster though. I have yet to see a video using rubber banding. I think lifts could go up fast enough to the point where that one lift will be fine.

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I donā€™t know manā€¦ I think two lifts might be really helpful, especially with having to move risers out of your way because of the crowded field.

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Any vid of this in action. I donā€™t recognize this bot

yea i know that was a response not an actual action.
sorry for the confusion!

Just putting it out there, I made revisions to my last robot design, and here is the link to my new video of my robot scoring 102 points if anyone wants to see it: VEX IQ 2020-2021 Rise Above 97300J 102 Point One Robot Match - YouTube.


does anyone know any good ideas for modify a robot to stack 3 risers

Welcome to the forum @roboticfan!
So, please try not to revive dead topics. I would suggest going back to other threads via the search bar and reading over them, and also going and looking at other robot reveals on YouTube. you can find some very good Ideas there. If all else fails, you should start a new topic asking your question, or post it on a similar topic that is preferably less than a few months old.


This is the ā€œofficialā€ game thread started by DRow. We have had a lot of gatekeeping lately. I understand the need to ā€œnot revive old threadsā€ but the forum has decided that ā€œoldā€ means 1 year, when they lock. If the forum wants to change that threshold, so be it, but at this point, I donā€™t see the need for constant gatekeeping on people.


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