I just got four super kits to use in my classroom. I built the basic bot, charged my batteries, and connected everything. I followed the directions to tether the brain and the controller, but when I unplug them there is no wireless symbol in place of the tether icon. I have calibrated the controller joysticks and updated firmware. My radio modules are both installed. I have searched the Internet for an answer. Please help.
Check to make sure the radios are completely snapped in.
Check to make sure the radios are completely snapped in.
It was worth repeating.
Did you update the Firmware? If yes, which radio button on the top did you select? If you selected “Smart Radio” and do not have a Smart Radio installed, it will produce this exact behavior.
No wireless icon on the brain means no wireless radio in the brain. Specifically push the radio in the brain all the way.
**NO wireless communication between controller and VEX IQ brain. **
I just got a super kits to involve my son in the STEM environment. I built the basic robot, charged my batteries, and connected everything. I followed the directions to tether the brain and the controller, but when I unplug them there is no wireless symbol in place of the tether icon. I have updated firmware for the Brain and the controller. My radio modules (900 Mhz) are both installed at the moment of firmware upgrade. I pressed the up to the end the sensors in the brain and the controller (if I push harder I will broke it). There is a different between the Brain and controller wireless antenna sockets. The socket of the controller is around 1mm dip that the Brain’s socket (see pictures). I have searched the Internet for an answer. I know that I can control the robot using the theter cable but, it was not what we want. My kid is upset.
The fact that the wireless symbol is not showing up means the radio is not working. That could be a bad radio, bad brain, or bad connection. The last is very common, which is why we often suggest making sure they are inserted all the way.
Assuming the radio is fully inserted in the brain and still not working, I would suggest swapping the radios and try the other radio in the brain.
If that still doesn’t show the wireless symbol, you should contact VEX Tech Support.
So we are having the same issue. We purchased 6 super kits in October and 2 of 6 kits are not pairing or showing the wireless icon. I called Vex Support this morning and they said it’s a known issue. They will guide you through some troubleshooting steps first, but they will replace the bad radio modules.
I updated the Robot brain but still no wireless or Smart Radio signal indicated. I tried all the possible solutions listed above but no changes at all. In need of desperate help.
Software side: What kind of radio do you use, the gray 900MHz ones or the blue BTLE based ones (those are the ones called “Smart Radio”)? For the latter, you’d need proper firmware versions (1.16 for brain)
Hardware side: As explained many times in this forum, it is hard to seat the radios properly. Besides that, I had to repair one of our school brains, as the connection pins were smashed by repeated insertion attempts. It turned out the black plastic housing the pins inside the brain got stuck tightly in the radio module and some of the pins didn’t fit on next attempt, bending 3 of them.
So, please check which version of the radio do you have, which firmware version does your brain runs and verify both that you’ve got no uncovered, broken pins in the module slot and that the module is fully inserted into the slot
For others who may arrive at this thread I have written a page detailing the issue and how to fix it here https://kiwibots.co.nz/kiwiblog/entry/vex-iq-radio-issues-not-working
For VEXIQ Pairing of the Joystick to the Brain if it is not pairing :
Here is the thing, the wireless card must be all the way in. Easier said than done. If you see some of the blue logo on the 2.4 connection card still showing, then it is NOT all the way it.
In the brain unit, you need to be pressing the red tiny button (located behind the battery compartment) while “at the same time” pushing the wireless card in. You need to push it in in such a case that card will snap ALL THE WAY in. Then you will be able pair the units. If the card is not all the in, you can try and try until you are blue in the face, the communication via a wireless signal will never work. At the same time if its not all the way in, you would think that something is defective or malfunction, but actually all the components are just fine.
Hope this posts helps